Dedicated to 90 days of Summer 2014

I am re-dedicating myself to my Donna T’s Garden Blog today, on the first day of June! I hope that I can remember to post once a day for the entire summer!  There are so many beautiful sights and sounds at Lau Hala Canyon.  It is time to share a summer of memories, even thought the official first day of summer is June 21st.  I always thought that summer began on June 1. It stems from my childhood I guess.

I hope to share a photo a day! Here is a picture of the walkway to the back yard.  The surfboards are out and that is always a good sign.  So the garden is underway, the pond is stocked with young gold fish and water lilies are blooming, most of the lawn is green, and the gazebo is full of lady banks roses!  We are four days away from Graduation now and that REALLY means summer to me 🙂

One response to “Dedicated to 90 days of Summer 2014

  1. I’m looking forward of a shot of the Lady Banks covered gazebo!

Let me hear your thoughts! Thanks