Kale, Dill takes too long, year 2 of the tomato? & Mojito Mint Rules


I just created a new 2014 Timeline page.  I hope that I can keep up my blog this year!
The first year was awesome, then I fizzled last summer.  Hopefully, this summer I can keep an accurate record of things.  WordPress had started to place advertisements on my pages for businesses that I, personally hated, so that made me mad and I stopped…  I also stopped because I just got lazy with posting. The solution, of course, will cost me money.  For 99$ a year, I wont have ads on my blog.  So I am going to give it a go with the ad for a while.  If I am “good” about posting, then I am going to spring for the big bucks and host my blog with them.  Free is only free so long… They always hook you first with it….  I have seen this go down many times on the web.

Anyway, This post is actually a post for a new “page” listed under timeline, but I thought I would add it as a post as well.  Two posts in a day.  Wow, that is like me!

It Begins  March 16, 2014
Kale, Dill takes too long, year 2 of the tomato? & Mojito Mint Rules

It is March 16 and the only thing in the ground in the garden is the Kale and Chard, which btw, are huge.  They are being enjoyed by the snails at the moment, and that feast is about to abruptly end, so snails beware, you are about to be “relocated”.  So we are going to have to trim them back to give some new life to the plants.  Juicing here we come.  Sorry to say, we didn’t keep it going over the entire winter.  Wish I was the type of person who could do something like take a vitamin every day, on time, on schedule like I am supposed to.  Like the moon I wax then I wane, I wax and wane….

Anyway, the soil is dormant and we bought some seeds and tomatoes, mint, and oregano yesterday at the Farmers Market and will plant them today.
Here are the names of the heirloom varieties

Sungold Heirloom (tried last year and loved)
Black Plum Heirloom Cherry 
Moskvich Heirloom Tomato
Cherokee Purple Heirloom Tomato
San Marzano Tomato  ( The educated one- only teachers will get that joke)

Then the mint:
Mojito Mint
(This was the star of the garden last year for medicinal purposes 😉
Moroccan Mint 
and a mint that they named this probably becasue they were tired of answering questions about mint  “The BEST mint”   ha ha

And I bought some other herbs too:
Oregano, Dill and Fernleaf dill  (Fernleaf is not heirloom)
I need more dill.  There is nothing better than seed heads in your dill pickles. That is a secret for the best dill pickles.  Grow your own dill and let it seed. But alas…. Dill take F O R E V E R to mature 80 days.  That is a long time, even in California!  I will buy more next week..
You know what “they say”

All ways leave a reason to return to the <insert name here> store
All ways leave a reason to return to the <farmers market> store
All ways leave a reason to return to the <seed> store
All ways leave a reason to return to the <farmers implement> store
All ways leave a reason to return to the <co-op> store
All ways leave a reason to return to the <online seed exchange store> store

You get the picture….
All ways leave a reason to return to the <shoe> store

Let me hear your thoughts! Thanks