
Red handles=water wise


Those red handles allow us to turn on the drip system to three different areas of the garden. All of the lines are regulated for the same pressure providing even coverage, regardlless of which one was turned on. Last year the overhead watering cost us a bundle! Hundreds. The tomatos and Craig hated it.  The bugs loved it and so did VID, i am sure. Not this year

You have to be water wise in san diego county.

Here is a link to a page on my blog that include a link to the Children’s book Leo the Late Bloomer.  It is one of my favorite children’s books for sure.  On this timeline page you will find a link to a U-Tube video that is so pure in its presentation of a classroom of little kids reading the book.  I love the background noise of the kids playing.  I love the fact that you can hear the teacher turn the recorder on an off.  I just love it.  Enjoy

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